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在北欧的背景下, contemporary cities are characterized by their commitment to accessible greenery and water, 健康, 健康与环境. 这反映在城市对韧性的强烈关注上、紧凑型发展、可持续流动性和低碳经济. The sustainability success stories achieved in the Nordic countries arise at least partially out...

By IBI 的见解



在北欧的背景下, contemporary cities are characterized by their commitment to accessible greenery and water, 健康, 健康与环境. 这反映在强烈的城市重点 弹性、紧凑型发展、可持续流动性和低碳经济. The sustainability success stories achieved in the Nordic countries arise at least partially out of their regional context, but this does not limit their relevance or prevent their application to other cities beyond the Nordic region. 本文探讨了这类故事的例子.


There is a long tradition of environmental awareness and protection in the Nordic countries. 一个多世纪以前, this was demonstrated through efforts to preserve green and blue space for urban workers and their families. Fast-forward to 1972, and this focus was illustrated when Stockholm hosted the 联合国人类环境会议这是第一次联合国环境保护会议. 最近, this emphasis and leadership on environmental issues has manifested itself through a host of actions that have seen GHG emissions decline even as Nordic economies have grown, and strategies that emphasize the interaction between climate change mitigation and adaptation, 哪些通常是分开处理的.


通过整合缓解和适应政策, 北欧城市的目标是加强对气候变化事件的适应能力. 对于这些城市来说,人们特别关注的是 与水相关的问题 比如降水增加, 海平面上升和城市洪水, 所有这些都是IPCC对该地区的预测. Nordic cities have translated this concern into an opportunity to renew and reinforce their commitment to high-quality green and blue spaces. 实际上,这促使斯德哥尔摩做出了1.中央锁系统投资40多亿美元, 它们控制着波罗的海和湖之间的水流Mälaren, 该地区的主要饮用水源. It has also led the city to adopt a new storm-water strategy that prepares for a 30% increase in precipitation by 2100 and to improve the quality of storm-water to reach the city’s environmental quality standards. 放大, efforts to achieve greater 弹性 through the improvement of blue and green space are evident in an innovative new public space in Copenhagen. Designed as a multifunctional space that can handle rising volumes of rain, Tasinge申请 is a square that shows that rainwater can inspire new recreational spaces. 同样的, 这是2017年北欧建筑城市挑战赛的获奖项目, 诺雷布罗之魂, addressed rainstorm flooding while simultaneously addressing local social community development. 从大型项目到精细的公共空间, Nordic cities are supporting 弹性 and preparing for climate change in a diversity of way. 世界各地的城市都面临着类似的挑战, and whether they seek billion-dollar solutions or small-scale improvements, 北欧的背景提供了有用的见解.


Sørenga,奥斯陆. 图片来源:Katrine Lunke/Wikimedia Commons


除了运输, 改善楼宇性能 为减缓气候变化提供了另一个关键机会. Nordic cities are addressing this primarily through three approaches: green building at both the building and neighbourhood scale, 对所有新建建筑物实行严格的能源标准, 以及建筑改造. Efforts to reduce energy consumption in the transportation and building sectors are supported by a long tradition of climate and environmental monitoring in the Nordic Region. Illustrating the triple-helix approach that Nordic cities have used extensively to support environmental innovation, 监测通常由学术机构进行, 改善结果的创新是由私人行为体开发的, 新的雄心勃勃的标准由公共部门实施. Although the performance of new green buildings in the Nordic Region is strong, 现有结构需要继续改进. Approximately 70% of the estimated building stock for 2050 has already been constructed; including the extensive supply of modernist apartment housing that is prevalent in larger Nordic cities. 因此,建筑改造对提高可持续性至关重要. 同样重要的是, many of these buildings are located in disadvantaged and marginalized neighbourhoods. 进行改造, while ensuring they remain affordable to residents is essential to social sustainability. 和其他地方一样, Nordic cities face ongoing challenges in reducing energy use and minimizing climate change impacts.


可持续性, or the lack thereof, presents many challenges around the world today. 然而,正如北欧城市所做的努力所表明的那样,解决办法是有的. 支持 弹性紧凑型发展; 可持续机动性 低碳经济是迈向可持续未来的关键步骤. 但同样, 或许更重要的是, efforts to achieve these goals and achieve sustainability can also enhance wellbeing, 提高生活质量,壮大经济, 让居民茁壮成长. 将北欧的合作知识与战略相结合, 与特定地区或背景相关的产品和想法, 这是开启新机遇的巨大机遇. 通过这样做,一个更健康、更绿色、更繁荣的未来正在等待着我们.

这篇文章已被删节,以便于月日发表 TH!NK. 阅读本文全文,请访问“共享可持续城市未来:北欧城市视角” on Nordregio.


最初发表于 Nordregio
图片由 《杰森。 on Unsplash

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