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SiteiQ – A Technology-Driven Tool to Aid Site Analysis

Whilst the concept of site analysis is nothing new, the methods for presenting and collecting spatial data are changing rapidly.




在设计一个项目时,不仅要了解网站本身,而且要了解网站本身, but its local surroundings. Where are the site access points? How far away is the nearest school? What is the existing road hierarchy around the site? To help answer these questions accurately and efficiently, many design professionals turn to spatial data. Whilst the concept itself is nothing new, 呈现和收集这些空间数据的方法正在迅速变化.

When undertaking site analysis for a project, 传统的工作流程是创建一系列的纸质计划,显示场地的限制和机会. 然后在实地考察期间使用这些计划,并标记额外的相关信息. While this is a perfectly acceptable process for site analysis, paper plans have several limitations:

  • 难以显示与网站相关的详细信息的;
  • Cumbersome and time-consuming to produce;
  • Static and cannot be updated in real-time, limiting collaboration;
  • Can be challenging to orientate yourself during a site visit using the plan; and
  • 新的站点访问数据必须手动转换为空间数据以供将来使用.


The Changing Future of Site Visits

技术正在改变我们工作方式的方方面面,网站分析也不例外. 数字工具的进步意味着设计师现在可以使用平板电脑或智能手机在现场显示信息, replacing the need for paper plans. 数字工具的功能远远超过了传统方法. 使用交互式地图,用户可以在感兴趣的区域上下移动和缩放,并通过点击某些功能了解有关该网站的更多信息. 用户还可以在访问站点期间实时收集和更新空间数据. Unlike paper plans, data collected using these tools is inherently spatial, 并且可以很容易地同步到在线地图,使项目团队内部的协作更容易.

数字网站分析工具为用户提供了远远超过传统纸质方法的灵活性. Click here to view larger image.

In-House Solutions

SiteiQ, an idea developed through IBI Group’s 口袋R&D initiative, utilises technology to streamline the site analysis process. 该工具允许用户在现场访问之前使用交互式地图查看相关约束信息. This information can be queried and interrogated to learn more.

Using a hand-held device with GPS (e.g. 平板电脑或智能手机)这个交互式工具可以被带到现场,用户可以在那里查看约束数据, collect relevant information, 拍照, begin to design on site. SiteiQ还能够在站点内对用户进行地理定位,这样他们就能准确地知道自己在哪里.

SiteiQ offers a 10% savings in total project time. Click here to view larger image.


未来对SiteiQ的改进可能包括在实地考察中测量海拔变化的能力, the inclusion of local land sales and values, the use of Augmented and Virtual Reality within the tool.

像SiteiQ这样的工具通过简化基线阶段为设计项目增加了真正的价值, creating time and budget efficiencies.

基于对曼彻斯特10个总体规划和建筑委员会的回顾, 我们发现,平均30%的项目总时间花在基线阶段. SiteiQ可以潜在地将基线阶段减少到项目总时间的20%. 这10%的节省可以为设计团队腾出时间,并提高我们的底线, showcasing SiteiQ as an attractive innovation for site analysis.



This article is based on the findings of “SiteiQ”, an internal 口袋R&D report by 艾玛乔恩, Rachel Hutchins, Mark Graham. 口袋R&D是IBI的战术微观研究计划,它利用我们人才库的知识来告知我们如何定义未来的城市.  

Emma is a consultant focusing on spatial data and mapping, 支持AG平台在交通和城市发展领域的广泛项目组合. Her expertise in Spatial Intelligence includes 数据管理, analysis and visualisation. 她将这些专业知识应用于一系列项目,包括伦敦和伦敦交通局的旅行需求管理项目 英国高速公路, 总体规划 projects both locally and internationally. Through IBI Group’s 口袋R&D Initiative she developed SiteiQ, 一个基于GIS的工具,在AG平台的所有实践领域协助现场分析, allowing users to comprehensively review a site, 原位, by means of geolocation, photography and constraint information. 作为我们国际办事处的区域地理信息系统负责人,Emma创建并协调了一系列全球地理信息系统计划. 这些目标是促进和增加整个公司对空间智能的使用,并将整个公司的GIS专业人员聚集在一起.

Headshot of 艾玛乔恩

写的 艾玛乔恩

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