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即使在2018年, bike lane proposals often get pushback and ire from businesses along their proposed routes. Businesses often think that by removing some of the most convenient parking spaces to their stores, 生意会减少. 的ir primary concern is often an economic loss to their business, followed by congestion on the street front plaguing...

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即使在2018年, bike lane proposals often get pushback and ire from businesses along their proposed routes. Businesses often think that by removing some of the most convenient parking spaces to their stores, 生意会减少. 的ir primary concern is often an economic loss to their business, followed by congestion on the street front plaguing their street and deterring even more customers. Are these fears valid given the abundance of economic evidence?

我认为 大多数顾客是开车来的 在城市地区经常受到挑战. 的 Downtown Business Improvement Association in Vancouver was initially opposed to the addition of bike lanes on downtown streets. 但在调查了他们的客户之后, they soon realized that most shoppers weren’t arriving by vehicle to begin with. Of those that did, how many would be deterred by the lack of an immediately adjacent place? It is unlikely to be enough to significantly impact business, especially with the increases expected from encouraging passing cyclists to stop. 根据一篇文章 凯琳·克林贝尔在《AG平台》报道,

In 2010, the BIA raised concerns over the loss of 170 on-street parking spaces and how that would affect area businesses’ bottom lines. But an assumption held by many merchants – that 大多数顾客是开车来的 – turned out to be false, Mr. 瑟说. A 2011 economic impact study commissioned by the city and other associations, 包括温哥华市中心BIA, 显示大多数人走路, 骑自行车或乘坐公共交通工具去市中心. Just 20 per cent of customers on Hornby and Dunsmuir arrived by car.

Studies have shown over and over that passing cyclists are “竞争消费者"给过往司机", spending dollar per dollar what someone who drives a vehicle is likely to spend. As mode shares across North America show an increase in number of cyclists, 更多的消费者将会经过这些店面, giving them an economic advantage over their competitors, 不是劣势.

除此之外, 缓慢的街道鼓励探索, which is key to the success of a small business that is unlikely to be a destination. 提出的论点 格林·鲍尔曼在地铁报道, says that much of the reason business improves is that more people are travelling at a slower pace along the street. 的 slower pace a bike lane brings to an urban street, 比如多伦多的布鲁尔, 是支持小企业的理想选择吗. 他说,

“A predictable argument against Bloor bike lanes is “congestion.” It’s been made before, when the idea has been floated. 对此我要说:布鲁尔不是高速公路. Arguing that major thoroughfares like Bloor are already too slow ignores the character of these streets.

布卢尔到处都是小型独立企业. Boutiques, looking to pique a passerby’s interest, line the strip. 他们想要吸引顾客. 你开车去城郊的宜家. 你不会开车去手工奶酪店. 像布卢尔这样的街道依赖于较慢的步伐.”

数据趋势 is clearly towards bike lanes supporting small businesses, but businesses may need more time to see the growth these lanes can provide. 更多的自行车道带来更多的骑自行车的人,这反过来又会带来更多的客户. 随着自行车网络的发展, small businesses may soon switch to lobbying for bike lanes instead of against them.


图片由 罗马Bozhko on Unsplash

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